Our scheduled shows continue to showcase the diversity in our mountain habitat. We've had some great DJs come and go but the crew continues to grow with a desire to share. Working with the Colorado Community Radio Network has really helped enlarge our listening audience. It also creates a larger sense of Community. Our shows are shared on 93.1 KNED, 95.5 Boulder Free Radio and 93.1 Greenlight Radio in the Boulder Valley. We have also had two successful years of broadcasting from ground zero at Frozen Dead Guy Days with DJs from all member stations keeping the vibe going all weekend long.
Our Tech / DJ Sky Fly has been hard at work constantly upgrading the automation of station IDs, PSAs, scripts to auto reboot Chip (our computer) when the power goes down, creating a remote broadcasting platform so we can broadcast from events like we did last summer, at Boulders Big Hootenany. There's been lot's of changes that have started to streamline the functionality of this project and give us more of a "Way High" sound. We are continuously working to upgrade our outgoing stream. This has been a point of frustration for other CCRN stations that want to broadcast our shows and have had to endure a intermittent feed and also for people who can only get us online.
Another landmark event that happened this summer was our response to the Cold Spring Fire in Nederland. On July 9th, we were alerted about a fire burning in Nederland. As quickly as we became aware and prepared to broadcast information about the emergency, the power went out. Due to protocols created over the last few years, we were able to power the studio with a generator and Nedernet's internet system with a car and a power inverter. Within a half hour, we were back broadcasting and relaying on KNED. For the next 5 days, a dedicated DJ crew worked 24/7 to update people with any info available through Boulder OEM. For weeks after this emergency, we received positive feedback on our dedication to keep the Community informed. We also received a standing ovation from the Ward town government and random donations from folks in Nederland . This is especially satisfying due to the fact that this is fulfilling an aspect of our charter. To serve the Mountain Community in times of disaster.
Since 2014, we had two successful "funraisers", which has fueled us to this point. Both were billed as Hallowhen? .In 2015, we had an incredible / dream lineup featuring The Gasoline Lolipops and Rabbit Wilde from WA. This time of year seemed to be a really good time to pull of a benefit until this year. With the election countdown and a challenge to secure a lineup, we finally had to shelve the benefit for this year and push the energy into next year as we celebrate our 20th year of burning up the airwaves.
Looking forward, into our 20th year of broadcasting, we foresee a year of celebrating starting with "The Mid Winter Meltdown" sometime mid winter, then we're going to bring back "Blossom" in the Spring / Summer and finish off the year with "Hallowhen? Again" These will all be "funraising" events in their own way so we can make up for doing nothing this year. We want to create some reserves to do necessary upgrades like; a new 150 watt transmitter, recording devices for doing interviews, building a newer faster Chip, getting better microphones and more.
We would like to thank all of our friends who have supported us throughout the years, local businesses and our growing listening audience. Without you we would never have made it this far in this experiment in Micro-Independent Radio. Remember, there's still alot of room for you onboard. It's fun and easy to become a DJ. As the good ship Way High continues to gather steam, we urge you to stick around for the next 20 years. We're gonna take you higher!
Sincerely grateful,
DJ Willy